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ID: 4755125
0 coração recebido
R$ 7.345,00
R$ 25.000,00
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Vaquinha criada em: 07/05/2024

My Dear Friends.

I apologize in advance for the long email and personal content.

My home state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), in Brazil, is going through some rough times. Severe rains over the entire state in the past week has caused the largest flood and what is being called the biggest and worst tragedy in the state’s history. This is happening 6 months after another flood that caused extensive damage in the central region of the state and caused the death of 50+ people, left thousand homeless and closed several business.


I understand Benevity is the chosen and preferred platform for WWT’s social causes and programs. Unfortunately, I searched through it this morning and found no entities or programs supporting this emergency. I believe this is due to the fact that local NGOs are not that mature in this platform yet and also the urgency of the matter. That is why I am reaching out on a personal level. As a Brazilian citizen born at RS, where all my family still leaves, I am stepping forward and trying to collect as much funds as possible to support the local community with food, medicine, clothing, personal care items and help in the rebuilt of the region. Even though, at this point, I do not have any family or friends directly impacted, I still feel compelled to somehow help. This will be my May of Caring!!!

To donate, please make sure to first click on the US Flag on the top left side to switch the page to English and then click on the link I AM A FOREIGNER on the top right side! You need to use a credit card enabled to international transactions for your donation to go through.

I am taking personal responsibility and will be responsible to make sure all funds received are donated to the SOS Rio Grande do Sul campaign.  ALL funds are going direct to the relief and rebuilt efforts.

Please see below a few of the current stats of the tragedy, pictures and link to US News sites.

  • 95 people deceased
  • 163 people missing
  • 1.4 million people directly impacted
  • Hundreds of thousands out of their homes
  • Almost 500K people with no power
  • Drinking water is becoming rare. Many water supply stations are shut down due to the floods.
  • 180+ road blocks
  • Airport is shut down until 5/30
  • 401 of 497 cities in the state have been flooded.
  • Porto Alegre, state's capital, is isolated. Only one small in/out exit is opened.
  • Some locations received up to 1000 mm of rain in one day. This is 2/3 of what is expected for the full year! Monthly avg is approx 100-150 mm.


Feel free to spread this email around!!!

Torrential Rain in Brazil Kills at Least 29, With More Missing - The New York Times (

Brazil floods: At least 29 people killed as heavy rain and flooding lashes Brazil | CNN



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