Gabriel Araújo tem 16 anos, amputou a perna direita por causa de um câncer. Precisamos de sua ajuda para comprar a prótese que custa 40 mil reais.
Let's help? Back in October 2019, aged 15, Gabriel Araújo Mendes started a treatment in Araújo Jorge hospital with Dr. Rosemery Gusmão ( Pediatrician) and Dr. Carlos Henrique (Orthopedist) after being diagnosed with Malignant cancer in the knee (osteosarcoma). After several sessions of chemotherapy, in April this year (2020) it was necessary to perform an amputation above the knee and a few more sessions of chemotherapy.Finally, this amazing boy won the battle against cancer and its time to get a prosthesis. That's why I'm here, to ask you to be part of Gabriel's life's new chapter. We thank God very much for your help, and every donation will count!God bless you all!